
Krasnodębska-D'Aughton (Małgorzata)

Krasnodębska-D'Aughton, Małgorzata, “The homily on the epiphany in the Catechesis cracouiensis”, Peritia 17–18 (2003–2004): 471–494.  
An analysis of the Homily on the Epiphany in the Catechesis cracouiensis in the Cracow, Cathedral Library ms 140 (olim 43), this paper searches for both patristic and Hiberno-Latin sources of exegetical themes within it. A study of the text is followed by an analysis of the Magi scenes on Irish high crosses to establish the usefulness of iconography in uncovering the provenance of a written text.
(source: Brepols)
Krasnodębska-D'Aughton, Małgorzata, “The four-symbols page in Cracow Cathedral Library MS 140: an image of unity”, Peritia 14 (2000): 323–341.  
The paper discusses a miniature of the four evangelist symbols inserted in manuscript ms 140 (olim 43), currently in Cracow Cathedral Library. The design and positioning of the miniature are related to the accompanying commentary texts within the manuscript. Particular attention is paid to the quaternity themes present in the Catechesis cracoviensis as well as to the text on the four evangelists and Arnobius’ commentary on Matthew and John. The discussion demonstrates the underlying Insular background of the miniature and the Hiberno-Latin connections of the texts in ms 140.


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